San Martin de Amacayacu is a community of about 700 Tikuna indigenous inhabitants located in the jungle of the Amacayacu National Park in the very south of Colombia, on the shores of the Amacayacu river and at about 8km from Puerto Nariño (please check the map).
The community was founded in its current location and form about 50 years ago. Before this time, the Tikuna families lived spread out over the ancestral lands in communal houses (malokas) for the extended families, This form of living was not very practical for the state and church in terms of accesibility to the indigenous people for education, healthcare and religious purposes. Therefore, the people were stimulated to live closer to the Amazon river in western style villages with separate houses for each family. The indigenous people of Colombia only obtained the right to vote with the Colombian Constitution of 1991. A decade later, the first indigenous reserves (called resguardos) were recognized, in which they have their own jurisdiction and many special rights in terms of health care, education and community subsidies for example.
Today, San Martin de Amacayacu consists of about 120 houses. The people are not only dedicated to agriculture, fishing and hunting, but also to tourism, education and otherforms of income generating activities. Many indigenous traditions have been conserved and during your stay at Casa Gregorio, you will be able to witness daily life in this community as if you were part of it! A truely unique experience.

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